Sunday, August 22, 2010

Additional 1,338.00 bonus (only 35 available)...

I've just seen that you haven't yet
reserved your place for the trial
home study course.

This is fine and I totally understand
you being cautious...

There's a lot of cr8p online at the
moment and sometimes it's difficult
to know which way to turn and who to

I remember when I first started online
and within weeks I was bombarded by
all sorts of offers and systems!

But now, I sit on the other side of
the fence - as a marketer.

And this side of the fence is where
you need to be...

It's where I want you to be...

So how do we get you there?

Well, for starters, you need to stop
buying everything!

All of the latest offers, systems,
techniques... all of that stuff...

It will just distract you from taking
action and sticking with one system.

Trust me, I have done this in the past!

It's all too easy to buy the latest
product and then leave the work that
you'd previously done - never to get
completed and never to become a
profitable project!

Which brings me to the point of my
email... Eventually!

I'm going to give you a system that you
can follow - in your own time and at
your own pace...

You can get this up and running and then
add to it, over time.

This is why we have put the course

It's actually going to enable you to get
up and running and start making money.

You won't need anything else!

And just to prove how serious I am about
this... for the next 35 people I'm going
to offer the following...

In addition to all of the bonuses listed
on the page below... the next 35 people
only will receive:

* CPA Arbitrage - worth $77.00

* CB Cash System - worth $77.00

* Traffic Hybrid Software & Home Study
Course - worth $497

* FULL ACCESS to Chris Cobb's AIS Seminar
in June - worth $147

I want you to take action and get started:


That's a whopping $1,338.00 bonus for the
next 35 people only...

And you'll see on the other side - exactly
why it's in my interest to help you get
started as well...

Reserve your place on the page below and
you can get started right away:


I can only give this $1,338.00 bonus to the
next 35 people that reserve their place...

Talk Soon,


Automated Income Stream Ltd, Suite 127, Communications House, 9 St Johns Street, Colchester, Essex C02 7NN, United Kingdom

To unsubscribe visit:

To change your contact details visit:

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