Thursday, May 27, 2010

Re: [4XONTARIO] War of the World


Buy silver. when confidence is lost in funny money silver currency and bartering will be en vogue. Unsustainable debt ALWAYS leads to economic collapse. All the bailouts did was shift the debt from the financial sector to the public treasury and Federal Reserve. The problem was never addressed, the debt just changed hands.

Every Democracy throughout history has failed due to loose fiscal policy. They survive only until the voter realizes he can vote himself generous gifts out of the public treasury.

It amazes me that no matter how many times socialism fails around the world people still "believe" in it like it was a religion. Plymouth Plantation started out as a socialist experiment at the request of those who financed it. It failed miserably, people starved to death. Once the land was divided amongst the settlers people had incentive to work and it flourished. How many more people will have to die before we accept reality?

--- On Thu, 5/20/10, Seeni J G <> wrote:

From: Seeni J G <>
Subject: [4XONTARIO] War of the World
Date: Thursday, May 20, 2010, 12:28 PM

"Pentagon resources and U.S. troops may be used if needed to quell protests
and bank runs during an economic crisis, the U.S. Army War College's
Strategic Institute reported. 'Widespread civil violence inside the United
States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in
extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,' the War College
study states. Incidents of economic collapse, terrorism and disruption of
legal order could require deployment of forces within the US, it said. A
'strategic shock' could require the nation to use 'military force against
hostile groups inside the United States.'"

"International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn has
warned that advanced nations could face civil unrest during distressful
economic times. '[S]ocial unrest may happen in many countries – including
advanced economies' if the economic crises are not properly dealt with,
Strauss-Kahn said. 'He added that violent protests could break out in
countries worldwide if the financial system was not restructured to benefit
everyone rather than a small elite,' London's Guardian reported."

What is particularly telling in the above stories is that the managing
director of the IMF, a notoriously elitist banking organization, admitted
that our current financial system only benefits a "small elite." For those
that believe that the US Army War College's Strategic Institute's report of
future civil conflict inside the US is far-fetched, you must realize that
the bankers already KNOW that their current plan of destroying monetary
value in all major global currencies will cause the middle class of Western
nations to migrate into the ranks of the poor. The bankers already know that
massive civil unrest all around the world is inevitable given the course
they have chosen for all of us. The bankers are ALREADY CLOSELY MONITORING
the situations in Greece, Thailand, Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, and other
countries to understand how they must react to it when it hits the shores of
the Western world. And because the bankers already know that their policies
ensure uprisings in Western nations in future years, they are planning for
it right now, six or seven steps ahead of the sleeping masses of people.
Will the people wake up, or will it be checkmate already by the time they

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