Clark, has secretly been developing a NEW
and powerful piece of software...
This new software is called "SlideInCode",
and it will be officially released in just
a few short months. But first, he needs a
select FEW to fully test the Beta Version.
And I have convinced Sean that you would be
a great Beta Tester...
And get this, he has agreed to give you an
EXCLUSIVE access deal to his software for
JUST $1.00!
I really encourage you to take advantage
of this offer, before he has all the Beta
Testers he needs and increases the set-up
fee back to $67...
To Your Success,
Chris Cobb
P.S. You can also use this new technology
to boost your twitter followers, generate
mass viral traffic, increase your banner
ad CTR, maximize your ROI and so much more.
See all of the features here:
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